Create a positive climate for change

The LiA Leadership Scorecard is part of the Listening into Action (LiA) approach to engaging and empowering staff to deliver high performance - in a way that makes them feel valued and proud.

Employees often have fantastic ideas, but feel unsupported or even ‘at risk’ if they attempt to lead changes in their own area. Imagine the potential energy, enthusiasm and discretionary effort that is lost because the local culture, leadership, systems and processes disable rather than enable locally-owned ambition and change. 

By using the LiA Leadership Scorecard to take stock with your leadership team, you will gain a shared view of how you are positioned across four key dimensions - Navigation, Enablement, Leadership and Ownership. Once you have this view, you will be able to target actions to ‘unblock the way’ and empower teams to unleash the full potential of your workforce behind the changes you want to see.

It's not 'soft stuff' - it's what delivers the hard stuff!

Leadership teams use the LiA Leadership Scorecard to…

  • Take stock of the current organisational context for change
  • Get real about what needs to be different
  • Engage and connect the leadership team around making this happen together
  • Catalyse a fundamental shift in ways of working and leading that will empower staff to make locally-led changes for the benefit of patients

The Leadership Scorecard is a really valuable tool to demonstrate how well a Trust is positioned to lead on important change projects. Our recent review showed a great improvement over 12 months

John Goulston, Chief Executive at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust